Soluciones Web


  • El dia de ayer publiqué un nuevo plugin simple y dinámico y gratis. Básicamente sirve para mostrar una imagen y al pasar el mouse por arriba mostrar algo distinto.  Es muy liviano y no consume recursos. Viene cargado con dos imágenes en forma de demo, pero se puede poner cualquier código, incluso código HTML, banners… Leer Artículo

  • Here is coming WPeMatico 0.6Beta ! The only important change in this version is the Template Posts feature added in every campaign. I will be waiting for the comments and feedback from users until release the official 1.0 version. Thanks. THE COMMENTS RELATED WITH WPEMATICO SENDED BY CONTACT FORM WILL NOT BE ANSWERED Please test… Leer Artículo

  • OK Lets go with 0.4Beta ! There were several patches, updates and some added options. For it always takes the comments and feedback from users. Thanks. Also there are more things thinked but for future releases because will require more time for development. Fix some issues on rewriting words & links. Fix links in Dashboard… Leer Artículo

  • 0.2Beta, 2nd Release ! Fixed version number. Fix wrong message when activating. Deleted .mo & .po files, replacing with new wordpress generated .pot Please test it and comment here if you find something wrong. WPeMatico Download (Last version from Wordpress Repository) WPeMatico is for autoblogging, automatically creating posts from the RSS/Atom feeds you choose, which… Leer Artículo

  • WPeMatico is for autoblogging, automatically creating posts from the RSS/Atom feeds you choose, which are organized into campaigns. For RSS fetching it’s using the simplepie library included in Wordpress. Also for image processing it’s using the core functions of wordpress. .po .mo english files included for multilanguage translations. I take code from many many other… Leer Artículo

  • Después de mucho buscar y no encontrar nada que satisfaga mis ansias de que los post duplicados de mis blogs se borren solos, decidí reunir las características de varios plugins ya existentes y crear el eDel post copies. Es decir el plugin para wordpress etruel delete post copies o de forma resumida el wpedpc.   Como… Leer Artículo